Yes, I am very very very behind, I am still posting pictures from March and another snow dusting. But, this was a great picture, because we were warm and cozy in the house.
So, I was already to post another exciting photo from my life. However it seems Flickr is down, so enjoy some sort of haphazard entry from stuff I have saved on my laptop. This could be scary.
We have a basement down stairs which still holds most of our stuff that has not been sorted or mixed into a joint family. So, a before and after picture.
Mrs Duck is not a Sushi fan, so I do not get to indulge too often. Luckily, Sarge is a sushi officianado and since we were out for his birthday, he got to pick the restaurant. So bait for me!!
Lola is very photogenic, as is Bettina, but neither of them love to have their picture taken. Though, I think its more like they don't want their picture taken without primping. I think this look is Lola annoyed because she was not ready.
So, I was out at the supermarket and saw this sticker on the back of a car. Unfortunately, my camera was sitting on the coffee table at home. But, I still wanted to share it. It is a great idea, at least I think.